Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2012

Cafe World OK Karaoke Catering Order: Everything you need to know

While you're not busy cooking dishes for the new Supreme Cuisine event in Cafe World, why not save a few stoves for the game's newest catering order: OK Karaoke. This catering order sees you "grabbing the mic" and catering a party at Klub Karaoke, with an animated Karaoke Machine being available as the ultimate prize, along with varying amounts of Cafe Points and coins, as usual.

Meet us behind the break for a full look at this six-part catering mission, which you'll have five days to complete with friends for the big prizes.

OK Karaoke sees you cooking three dishes: Sushi Spread (a 20 hour dish) 160 times, Atomic Buffalo Wings (a 3 hour dish) 150 times, and Ice Cream Sundaes (an 18 hour dish) 175 times. While the Atomic Buffalo Wings dish doesn't take too terribly long the prepare, your stoves will be tied up for a long time on the other two missions, so you'll want to make sure to start cooking a batch of these dishes before you ever actually activate the catering order on your account to get a head start.

While you're cooking this slew of dishes, you can also ask your friends for the order's 21 collectible items. You'll be able to send out individual gift requests asking for 9 CDs, 6 Song Lists, and 6 Microphones.

All told, you can have a total catering crew of 14 people, including yourself. If you and your crew can complete this order in less than five days, you'll earn the three-star rating, 12 Catering Points, 6,300 Cafe Points, 150,000 coins, and the Karaoke Machine decorative item.

If you can finish within the first week, but after the first five days, you'll receive two-stars, 8 Catering Points, 4,500 Cafe Points, and 100,000 coins, while finishing at any point after the first week grants you a single star, 4 Catering Points, 2,700 Cafe Points, and 60,000 coins.

It would be understandable if this mission doesn't come off as desirable as the others released in the past, not only because of the lengthy cooking times of two of the dishes, but because the prize is a decorative item rather than a recipe that can only be unlocked by completing it. Still, if you have a group of friends already tackling this order, it probably wouldn't hurt to jump in and see if you can complete it in time.

What do you think of this OK Karaoke Catering Order?

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